
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Halloween Fun and Learning

Our holiday activities are fun and filled with learning.  We started with the art concept of print making.  We drew fences with rectangles, squares, and pentagons.  We dipped apples in orange paint and printed the pumpkins.  After the paint dried, we finished the backgrounds.  

Each face was funnier than the last.

Scary, right?

We cut a slice from the night sky.

We made shape witches from a right triangle, rectangles, circles, and hexagons.

We learned about:
print making
songs and poems and rhyming words
planning and organization 

We added some "learning targets" on the back along with the words to the song and poem.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Look What I Made with a Leaf

We read this book to get some background knowledge about trees and leaves.  We went out on the trail with a science mission, get leaves of varying sizes and leaves from the two main categories of trees.... broad leafed and conifers.  

We brainstormed ways of sorting our leaves.  We came up with size, shape, tree of origin, color, texture, and the two main types of trees.

Each student measured his/her longest leaf in centimeters (new to first graders) and recorded the data on the board.  

Finally we used our leaves and creativity to make amazing artwork.

Math, Science, and Art concepts all in the same lesson....FABULOUS!